About Us

The Birth of Esquire Entertainment

Family is a very important thing. More than how it looks and who it compromises, it’s how It feels that matters. Most of us have been on the entertainment scene as consumers long enough to know that what often makes a difference in a party experience is the sense of unity with others who are there, and the feeling of being impeccably looked after. These are the feelings we associate with family, and they are those that allow us to feel happy, secure, at ease to be ourselves and have a great time. They are also the reasons that the three gentlemen of Esquire Entertainment Inc started the BLISS party series in 2005, with the aspirations of providing a valuable entertainment product for those closest to them, It is no coincidence that BLISS and Esquire Entertainment feel like family. This was the goal from the first event at Gun Hill, and it is one that, 17 years later, has undoubtedly been achieved.

Esquire Entertainment literally started as three longtime friends who had different experiences in university and college. One went to Washington DC, the other to Trinidad, and the to Jamaica. They combine their experiences and decided to bring that exposure to the difference party scenes back to Barabados. While they got some initial resistance from family and friends, the main question being WHY?, they went full steam ahead and BLISS was launched.

The Directors

Corin B.


Corin is a Professor of Sociology at the University of the West Indies, Cave Hill Campus.

Raised by multi-national parents who strongly considered travel throughout the Caribbean region to be an important part of their children’s development, Corin has developed a keen sense of identity with all things West Indian. He is a Jamaican national, and has been living and working in Barbados for the past twelve years. Having worked with Esquire Entertainment for the past ten years, Corin assumed the role of Director in 2017. 

Nigel B.


Born in England, raised in Barbados, and currently residing in the USA, this physician always manages to frequent many of the well-known premium events throughout the region. He has been with the company since inception. His organizational and writing skills make him a great asset to the company.

H. Anthony


A product of Jamaican and Barbadian parents, this surgeon, is one of the founding members of Esquire Entertainment Inc. Residing in Jamaica for all of his adult life, he still finds significant time to dedicate to business and is always trying to find new and innovate ways to keep patrons engaged in the products that the company has to offer. Like the other two directors, he has a keen sense and plays special attention to detail. His well-established connections to the Jamaican social scene are indispensable to the operation.


How do I get info for Bliss / Esquire events?

Well you have a number of options and there is no place better than right here on our website. So, first let us welcome you to our website, especially if this your first time, and feel free to browse around to get familiar with the site.

Other ways include the following:

  1. Instagram
  2. Facebook
  3. Join our mailing list

Any of the above options will provide you with up to date information on all things related to Esquire Entertainment and our events.

How do I get into an Esquire / Bliss event?
Entry into our event is by ticket ONLY.
How do we go about getting tickets?

Tickets can be requested through the reservation form. Once a confirmation has been sent, you will be directed to purchase your tickets through a third party portal.

The third part portal we use is  TICKETLINKZ.

Why can I not just purchase tickets via TicketLinkz.com directly?
We ask you to register and reserve tickets for a number of reasons as follows:
  1. We collect data for future events  and use it for analytics
  2. It allows us to estimate better the number of persons coming to our event so that we can not only cater to your needs such as the size and the number of tents, bathrooms, etc., but more importantly, it also allows us to inform our service providers of an approximate number of persons that they have to cater for.
Why do I have to enter the names (of persons who I am reserving tickets for)?

Esquire is not in the habit of arbitrarily trimming requests. However, in an effort to avoid accidental duplication of requests, we cross reference every single name. If you are approved for fewer than your originally requested amount, it almost always means that a subset of your crew has gotten tickets in another request.

How do I know the status of my request?

After submitting your request, an email will be sent i) confirming your tickets or ii) advising you of your status on the waiting list.

Can I purchase tickets from a third party?

We have also partnered with some group and tour enterprises. These have been carefully vetted for quality.

However, please note that Esquire neither determines nor controls any service fee or mark up on these tickets. If you want to ensure that an enterprise or concierge service/company is doing business with us, feel free to email us at info@weareesquire.com.


How can I collect my tickets?

Once your request has been approved, an email with collection details will be sent to you.

That will then allow you to go online to TICKETLINKZ and purchase tickets for which you have been approved.


Do I have to collect (physical) tickets if I PURCHASED them online?

Persons ordering and purchasing tickets ONLINE DO NOT NEED to collect any physical tickets. The e-tickets that are sent to you are all that you need for entry into our event. At the entrance to our event just follow the signs that state “ONLINE TICKET HOLDER” and proceed to that queue.

How do I pay for my ticket(s)?

ONLINE TICKETS can be purchased using a valid credit card.

Can someone collect my tickets for me?

YES! Just send us an email so that we can alert TICKETLINZ that “Jane Brown” is collecting “Sue Smith’s” ticket order. This request can be sent to info@weareesquire.com.

Can I change my ticket reservation?

You can make changes to the number of tickets you reserved at any time, but please note that we encourage you to do so by the time we send out info confirming your request so that if you have ANY RELINQUISHED TICKETS they can be redistributed to persons on the waiting list as soon as possible.

Can I change my ticket reservation so that I can purchase my TICKETS ONLINE?

As long as ONLINE TICKETS are still available you can change your reservation from PHYSICAL TICKETS to ONLINE TICKETS. 

All we ask you to do is to send us an email informing us that you have canceled your physical ticket request so that we can redistribute your previously confirmed tickets to persons on the waiting list. You can send your email to reserve@weareesquire.com. 

Do we sell tickets at the gate?


Can we COLLECT our confirmed tickets on the day of the event?

We strictly discourage collection on the day of the event. As such, we provide multiple ticket collection opportunities ONLINE leading up to the event. Of course, we understand that unforeseen events occur so we occasionally make exceptions for extenuating circumstances. These are determined on a case-by-case basis.

Again, you can also send us an email to reserve@weareesquire.com for further information.

Can we park at the venue?

Details regarding parking are provided leading up to each event. These are determined by certain safety and logistical considerations. Especially for our summer (Crop Over) event and due to the number of patrons attending we more than often have a “park and ride” put in place.

Information regarding this is usually circulated at least 24 hours prior to the event on our website as well as our social media pages (Instagram and Facebook).

Can I wear heels and then switch them out to more comfortable shoes?

YES! For the ladies, we have a shoe check at our event. It allows you to carry an extra pair of more comfortable shoes to event and switch them out later when you want your feet ” to have a little more fun”.

No need to rush back to the car, your shoes will be safely stored. Just remember to collect them on your way out before you leave at the end.

Can I get bottle service in the event?

We only offer bottle service in our CABANAS, which can be reserved before the event. Bottle services, a hostess, and other personalized ultra-premium perks are made available to you and your crew if you decide to book a cabana.

Information regarding the cabanas can be obtained in the section on this website under “THE ESQUIRE EXPERIENCE”.

You can also email us at reserve@weareesquire.com if you are interested in receiving more information, including a quote, for the cabanas.

Do you cater or Vegans/Vegetarians?

YES! Our offerings include both vegan and non-vegan options. Allergy information is prominently displayed, however if you have any doubts, feel free to speak to any of the chefs.

Are Weapons Allowed in the Event?


Weapons and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited on the premises of Esquire Entertainment events.

Can I film at the Event?

In today’s era of social media, we know that many of you will be using your camera phones to capture the moments. No problem. Just please note that we also have accredited media who will capturing the moment not only for us (Esquire Entertainment Inc and yourself), but also trying to showcase what our lovely island has to offer. Some of these images will be used locally and internationally, as well as for promotional purposes. 

If you do not want your picture to be taken, please respectfully decline.

If you would like MEDIA ACCREDITATION, please email us at info@weareesquire.com.

For Your Safety

Please note that most of our events are ALL INCLUSIVE, which means liquor inclusive. Please be responsible and DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE. If you know you will be partaking in alcoholic beverages, please arrange for a designated driver or a taxi/shuttle service.

Even though we want you to have the time of your life, create memories with your crew and make new friends, Esquire Entertainment Inc. does not tolerate unacceptable, disrespectful or obnoxious behavior to patrons or any of our staff members. We reserve the right to remove any person(s) causing a disturbance.